Strategies of Exit, Logics of Escape
Organized by Keith Tilford
Tuesday July 29th, 2014, 2PM EST
If a guiding question in developing Fixing the Future’s platform has been “how to act according to the 21st century?”, it has been motivated by a recognition that what inhibits such action is the mediation of our present by abstract powers embedded within capitalism that also manipulate and control futures. While a primary concern for us is the reorientation of art away from such mediations as they operate through the staged indeterminations of contemporary art, the conditions of the contemporary might themselves be figured as a site of confinement or series of traps whose generic reiteration of illusionary autonomies, false affordances, and liberal freedoms carries consequences for any domain of thought and action.
In this seminar, strategist Benedict Singleton will present alongside two of Fixing the Future’s organizers, Suhail Malik and Keith Tilford, to consider what methods, strategies, tactics, and logics might be adequate to the task of defeating the very logics that structurally determine our present and the imperative to take leave of contemporary conditions.
Live comments and questions will be monitored during the feed. You may comment in these spaces on Facebook, Google+, and Youtube.