The Noumenon Unclothed: Metaphysics with Peter Wolfendale
Thursday, April 23rd, 11:00AM EST
In this seminar Peter Wolfendale will present his approach to conducting metaphysics in the the 21st century, providing an overview of what we can recover from the development of philosophy and where we can go in the future. Responding to Wolfendale’s presentation will be artist/theorist Amanda Beech, philosopher Daniel Sacilotto, and philosopher Ben Woodard. Moderated by artist and writer Joshua Johnson.
What Can Art Do for Post-Capitalism?
Tuesday, March 24th, 7PM
Mercer Union
1286 Bloor Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6H 1N9
In their talk Suhail Malik and Nick Srnicek will address whether and how art can contribute to making a post-capitalist future. In particular, what demands does Left Accelerationism make on art (or should it make on art), and why is the currently prevalent mode of contemporary art not even capable of contributing to the construction of post-capitalism?
The City
Organized by Diann Bauer
Sunday, November 23, 1:00PM-3:00PM
BNLMNTL 2014: Future Summit
@ Canadian Centre for Architecture
1920 Rue Baile
Montréal, QC H3H 2S6
Our Future Summit panel will focus on cities as vast inhuman systems, complex beyond our casual powers of perception. Panel participants are Marie-Pier Boucher, Keller Easterling and FtF organizers Joshua Johnson and Keith Tilford. The panel will be moderated by Diann Bauer.
Plotting Politics: Reason and Political Economy
Organized by Diann Bauer
Monday, September 29, 2014 2:00PM EST
In this session, moderated by Diann Bauer, Ray Brassier, Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams will talk about the overlap between their philosophical and political concerns despite their differences in disciplinary focus. The aim of the conversation will be to address the interfusions of philosophical rationalism and a 21st century political economy.
Here and Elsewhere, at War, and into the Future: Palestine
Organized by Mohammad Salemy
Tuesday August 5, 2014, 6PM EST
Streaming online and live @
Whitebox Art Center
329 Broome Street New York, NY 10002
In this conversation organized by Mohammad Salemy, Ariella Azoulay, Joseph Audeh, Judith Rodenbeck, Alex Shams, and Myriam Vanneschi will discuss what connections can be made between seemingly unrelated categories of military and museum as well as war and art.
Strategies of Exit, Logics of Escape
Organized by Keith Tilford
Tuesday July 29th, 2014, 2PM EST
In this seminar, strategist Benedict Singleton will present alongside two of Fixing the Future’s organizers, Suhail Malik and Keith Tilford, to consider what methods, strategies, tactics, and logics might be adequate to the task of defeating the very logics that structurally determine our present and the imperative to take leave of contemporary conditions.
The Semantics of Art
Organized by Joshua Johnson
Thursday June 26th, 2014, 3PM EST
Diann Bauer and Amanda Beech in conversation, moderated by Joshua Johnson. In this seminar, the two artists will discuss the significance of language and concepts in their respective practices. More broadly, the talk will focus on the importance of conceptual criteria for art, the deficits of Contemporary Art’s conceptual positions, and the implications of rationalist and accelerationist thought for the future of art.
Universalism and its Discontents
Organized by Mohammad Salemy.
Thursday, June 5th, 2014, 12PM EST
An hour long conversation between Anthony Paul Smith and Peter Wolfendale, moderated by Deneb Kozikoski, addressing various political and philosophical positions formed in the intellectual community in relation to new rationalist thought and the #Accelerate Manifesto.