The Noumenon Unclothed: Metaphysics with Peter Wolfendale
Thursday, April 23rd, 11:00AM EST
With his recent book from Urbanomic, Object Oriented Philosophy: The Noumenon’s New Clothes, philosopher Peter Wolfendale examines trends in continental philosophy which seek to overturn a correlationist consensus, and directly access a metaphysical realism once more. Wolfendale engages a broad-ranging knowledge of the history Western philosophical thought, from Deleuze to Quine, to examine and critique this turn, arguing for the priority of a methodological epistemology if we are to have any hope of recovering a metaphysical stance worth advocating. Following Kant, Wolfendale’s Transcendental Realism proceeds from a fundamental deontology to revive the constructive trajectory of truth in the formal structure of the real, rationally and systematically engaging both the demands of thought and the world upon philosophy.
In this seminar Peter Wolfendale will present his approach to conducting metaphysics in the the 21st century, providing an overview of what we can recover from the development of philosophy and where we can go in the future. Responding to Wolfendale’s presentation will be artist/theorist Amanda Beech, philosopher Daniel Sacilotto, and philosopher Ben Woodard. Moderated by artist and writer Joshua Johnson.